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Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Everyday Black/Brown/African Americans deal with some sort of inequality while working, driving, shopping, and living. It may be sly remarks from neighbors, jokes from peers at school, gossip from coworkers... it happens at some point. We as Americans must learn from history of past mistakes and do better by welcoming all people that live here. I personally know a handful of people who are completely racist and those who are welcoming. Black/Brown/African American men and women are being killed or arrested unjustly by those who we thought were supposed to protect everyone, no matter their color/race AND by those who we thought were our neighbors. Black/Brown/African American men and women are being looked over by their peers when trying to get into career fields that are primarily White-dominated. Wildlife, forestry, and other outdoor careers have had little diversity, but now this is starting to change. For a wonderful example of an up and coming Black/Brown/African American wildlife ...

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